12 November 2006

New Stuff

I've put a couple of new things in my sidebar.

The weather shows... the weather, naturally. It's showing about 25 degrees celsius as I write this. It feels much hotter.

The Amazon thing I'm curious about. It's supposed to automatically suggest titles relevant to what's in my blog. I'll be keeping an eye on it to see if it actually does that, or whether it just shows random titles. If it just keeps showing rubbish, then I'll get rid of it.

The idea of it is that, if I write about something that interests you and you decide you want to learn more about it, you can click on the Amazon suggested title and order the book from them. If you do, I get points toward a gift certificate as the refer.

I've had a few hits on the blog as a result of my post a while ago about Iridium flares. Maybe someone will come looking and find a book that's handy for them.

I wonder if they have any books on turkey slapping.

1 comment:

caramaena said...


believe it or not, I'm still getting hits from when I first mentioned big brother. They're coming from all over the world and I can't work out why. Some are from random searches for big brother but lots are for turkey slapping or australian big brother.

I wonder what Amazon suggestion you'd get if you did a post on big brother and turkey slaps? heheh