10 November 2007

What ex-pilots get


It's also what I've got at the moment. I don't mean the runny nose and the cough either. Here in Australia most people call a cold the flu. There's a big difference. I've got the aching muscles, the tiredness, the headache and the fever that comes with real influenza. And it hits you all of a sudden, doesn't build up slowly like a cold.

I think this is only the second time in my life that I've had the flu, but I've had my fair share of colds.

What's most annoying about it, is that I was supposed to be going diving again tomorrow morning to finish off my dive course. Now I've got to postpone it again. I suppose at least I can sleep in tomorrow, I would have been getting up at 4:30 am.

1 comment:

David said...

I had the flu once years ago, 2 weeks of not niceness. Right now I think I am a bit jet lagged, or it could be I am not used to all this heat.