18 November 2008

Tawny Frogmouths

I mentioned the tawny frogmouths in my last post, so I thought I'd share this little video with you so you can see why we love them so much.

Birds need sunlight to help them absorb the calcium in their diet, even nocturnal birds like these, so we try to put their cage out in the sun each day.

You can see from the video how curious they are.

The head cocking that the one on the left is doing is one way that they judge distance and is called parallax. By looking at a distant object from a slightly different angle they can tell how far it is.

If I can get an aviary built in the next couple of weeks they'll be moved into that until they're old enough for release. If not they'll go to another carer that has room for them.


Dave said...

They do look a bit like owls Steve. Do they prefer night and sleep during the day? - Dave

Steve said...

They do look like owls, I think that's why people assume they are. They are nocturnal, like owls, but from what I've been reading about them they do move around a bit during the day as well. They sleep at night and during the day.

I meant to mention in the blog about a really good book on Tawnies by Gisela Kaplan. if you do a book search on Tawny Frogmouths you'll find it. She just happens to be a scientist at the uni where I'm doing my degree as well.