14 October 2006


Donna took a photo of me the other day while I was getting dressed. Not with a digital camera I might add, but a film camera. That means someone at the minilab would have seen the pic.

It wasn't anything rude, I mean, it wasn't the kind of thing that Donna felt the need to hide from my nineteen year old step-daughter, even if it is more than she's ever seen of me before.

But, it's left me in a quandary.

I weigh about seventy-two kilograms, that puts me right slap-bang in the middle of my ideal weight for height. To look at the photo you wouldn't think that though. I'm bending over in the photo, pulling on a pair of shorts and as a result my belly is really noticeable.

So here's the quandary. Should I try to slim down and get rid of the gut, or should I pork up a pit more and go for the jolly look. I've already got more grey in my beard than any other colour, and Christmas is on its way.

After all, why settle for a six-pack when you can have a keg?


Oh, before anyone asks, no you can't have a copy of the photo. Not unless a considerable sum of money changes hands.


caramaena said...

Even my skinny little 4 year old has a belly when he bends over. I wouldn't worry.

Gargoyle said...

My Ex-stepfather-in-law always said, when you find a new wrinkle, fill it out! Needless to say, he was a large man! Flawlesss skin... but big!

My theory is: If you can do everything you have to do in your daily life, and maybe stretch it a bit occasionally, you are doing well. Probably better than 70% of the population. If you need to look thin for your own happiness, then be happy.

Dodderyoldfart said...

There is always Sumo wrestling ...

Steve said...

Sumo wrestling eh?

The nappy and the funny hairdo I could accept, but hugging a semi-naked fat man, no way.

As someone that's been skinny all my life, I quite like the idea of being a bit portly for a change and I can still run for a bus if I need to.

I quite like Gargoyle's idea of filling out the wrinkles.

Dave said...

I go with Doddery - as a last resort only though. Wait till you get above fifty.... everything drops including your chest (pot belly). Go with the flow. Dave.